- Cobbit Cottage is a natural houses built of mainly cob, but also using light straw clay and wattle and daub, where fitting.
- We have used materials harvested within a 20km radius, plus recycled materials where possible. No poisons, toxins, etc, have been used in the house so it is a healthy houses. We have minimised the use of manufactured goods, by once again using what we had outside our back door.
- The house is powered by solar and gas and is totally off the grid without even an Escom cable. No load shedding here ever, in fact Cobbit's Cottage and the police station are often the only lights showing in McGregor.
- We have built in many of the couches, bookcases and cupboards
- There are dry odourless compost toilets, hence the property is back to back rich lush rejuvenated soil with abundant bird and wild life in the form of guinea fowls, hadeda's, hares and tortoises, and other creatures that share our space.I have even had bat eared fox and buck on the property.
- There are many varieties of fruit, nut and berry trees giving one something to eat all year round. We also grow many of our own veggie needs.
- The properties are on the edge of the village next to a proposed Nature Reserve, giving the added advantage of no further development on the North West boundary.
- the stars at night have to be seen to be believed.
For more information contact Jill Hogan - [email protected]